Responsible Conduct in Research ​

Responsible Conduct in Research  

Since 1990, the National Institutes of Health (NIH) have required instruction in the responsible conduct of research (RCR) for all trainees supported by National Research Service Awards.  In 2000, the Office of Research Integrity (ORI) identified 9 core areas for RCR instruction: (1) data acquisition, management, sharing, and ownership; (2) mentor/trainee responsibilities; (3) publication practices and responsible authorship; (4) peer review; (5) collaborative science; (6) human subjects; (7) research involving animals; (8) research misconduct; and (9) conflict of interest and commitment. Many instructional programs have adopted its framework for establishing curricular content. In this session, we will review many of these content areas using active learning techniques and also review the reasons for research misconduct and present methods to prevent research misbehaviors.


Henry Silverman, M.D., M.A., Professor of Medicine, University of Maryland School of Medicine, Chair of the Clinical Ethics Committee, University of Maryland Medical Center


(Required) Scientists behaving badly

(Required) Scientists’ Perceptions of Organizational Justice and Self-Reported Misbehaviors

A Cross-Sectional Survey Study to Assess Prevalence and Attitudes Regarding Research Misconduct among Investigators in the Middle East

Perceptions of Undergraduate Pharmacy Students on Plagiarism in Three Major Public Universities in Egypt

Malaysian researchers talk about the influence of culture on research misconduct in higher learning institutions
